i am a 17 year old girl and me and my boyfriend were trying to have a baby and we tried conceiving on may 28th of 2014 and a week after i was having tender breasts and cravings and very high fatigue. and a little cramping. my period was supposed to start 3 days ago , but yesterday night june 14 of 2014, i started bleeding and im not sure if its my period of implantation bleeding there are very very small clots and its a mix of dark and light red blood. when i usually start my menstural, its heavy within the first couple of days and there are clots. im bleeding now but im not sure if its implantation bleeding because its light bleeding to mild heavy and it doesn t smell like my regular menstrual. i took a pregnancy test last week and it said positive , then two days later i took another and it said negative and i thought it was a false reading because i took the test too early so i didn t pay any mind to it, then i took another pregnancy test today (june 25 2014) and it also said negative but i wasn t sure whether to believe it or not because in bleeding and i have read if you may be implantation bleeding, you may get a false reading. please get back as soon as possible. thank you