hello I'm 25 yrs old. and was told recently that my pap smear was abnormal and that I have hpv, they want to schedule me to have a biopsy. i have read that hpv is not only linked to but is the main cause of cervical cancer. i read up on cervical cancer and have had the major symptoms such as abnormal vaginal bleeding and fatigue. I didn't have my menstrual for about 7 months then i had it for about 3 months straight i went to the dr because my menstrual would not stop, he gave me birth control to induce my menstrual and said that would help regulate, but now after them calling me back with my abnormal pap results and telling me i have hpv plus the symptoms of cervical cancer I'm extremely scared right now. any insight that could be given to me to further understand whats going on would be very much appreciated. I have to wait about 9 days for my appointment to have the biopsy, right now i still have my menstrual so i hope it stops in time for the test. and if the bleeding doesn't stop what can be done? I'm insanely nervous ;( please help me.