Last year I was jogging on a golf course and felt disoriented and confused then dizzy. Then, I looked down at my feet and they seem 20 ft away. It was like I was out of my body then I passed out. When I came to I was crouched down and holding onto the ground. I don t know if I was out 30 second or 10 min. It felt like a few minutes. I made my way back to where I was staying, still feeling like I had a concussion for around 3 days then stopped. I tried to drive home back to NJ from Georgia,a few days later. My eye sight was glared over day and night. I got lost a few times with dizzy swaying back and forth. My head started to hurt and felt my GPS on. When I got home I went to see my Doctor. He sent me to the hospital. I had MRI and cat scan done. They told me I had Hydrocephalus and needed scans in the future for comparisons. I also had my eyes fixed and received eyeglasses. A month or so ago I was exercising and started to get eye glare, dizzy and headache again. My doctor sent me back to the hospital for Mri s and cats can and they believe its the Hydrocephalus again. It didn t get any bigger, thank God, but it could have moved. They want to take fluid out of my spine and head through a cerebral puncture. They think I am a good cannidate for this procedure. My question is: do you think I had a stroke last year when I was jogging. This past event was different then the first, It wasn t as dramatic. But the symptons are similar, headache, my eye sight is messed up again. I have headache and pressure on my forehead and eyes and sometime a little off balance and I was on the treadmill and exercising like before.