Hello, I am 34 and I would like to ask you if higher cortisol level and higher progesterone level can be sign of some medical problem - maybe connected with adrenal glands? In the morning my blood cortisol was ok - 558,5 nmol/L, but in the evening it was high - 670,1 nmol/L, while ACTH was ok. Cortisol during ACTH test was also ok before infusion - 352,2 nmol/L and high after infusion - 588,1 nmol/L. My progesterone was higher - 100,7 nmol/L - and I am not pregnant. All thyroid hormons are all right. My health problems includes higher blood pulse (heart pressure is ok), chronical fatigue (I sleep a lot), shortness of breath during little walk, frequent urination and occassional blood and slime in urine (all bacterial tests of urinal tract are negative), reduced bleeding during menstruation with a lot of slime. Should I check other hormons to exclude hormonal problems? Thank You. Alex