Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I have a daughter who will be 4 on April 4th. For the last week she has been asking for food nonstop saying she is hungry all day. She is small for her age. 29lbs, and yet her stomache looks bloated and sticks out. She also has urinated in her pants once for the last 3 days. She has been potty trained since 2 and this has never been an issure.She still wares a pull up at night, and wakes up with it soaked in the morning. She also complains of a sore tummy 3 or more times a week, for the last few month, she does drink a lot and wakes up 1-2 times a night scraming that she is thristy. She has also been having fits, and mood swings. She does have a new baby sister who is 5 months old. I m not sure if she is just acting out because of the baby, or if these might be signs of diabetes. Diabetes does run on both sides of our family. I m thinking that I should take her in and get her tested. Do you agree that this would be the right thing?