Hi, Am 24 years unmarried girl. I got a severe lower abdomen pain and doctor advised me to take an USG. And my report says as below, Uterus: Measures 7.8 X 3.2 X4.4 cm. Normal in size, shape &echoes. Endometrial thickness 7.8mm. Interfaced between Uterus and Right ovary is lost. R.Ovary: Measures 4.1 X 3.7 X4.0 cm, Vol:32.0cc. Enlarged with Heterogeneous echo-texture. Well defined cyst measuring 2.6 X 2.4 cm with homogeneous internal echoes seen. L.Ovary: Measures 4.4 X 3.9 X 2.3 cm, Vol: 20.4cc. Enlarged with Heterogeneous echo-texture Left Adnexa: Multiple hypoechoic nodules with fluid level visualized in the left adnexa surrounding the Left Ovary. Is there any thing serious in the report? Am I in a good condition? Kindly help me with this.