I have a suspicion that I'm pregnant!
I have lower back pain occasionally and my lower stomach, just before my pelvic bone is bloated and has been for nearly a week now, just last night my breasts started to get slight soreness!
I'm sexually active but am VERY carful, every time after intercourse MY and my partner will check the condom for splits, by putting pressure on the sperm in the Condon and seeing if it leaks, every time we do this, their are no leaks!
so I'm confused on why I have these symptoms!
I am prone to UTI's, I have had burning when I unrinate for months now but never did anything about it, I read up, apparently pressure on the lower stomach and back pain is a sign of a UTI, along with cloudy urine and burning before and after you urinate which I also have! I'm only 18 and am not on the pill, I'm about a week away from my period and only start getting sore breasts about 3 days before my period so none of these I figured could be from being close to my period, I'm planning on taking a home pregnancy test but I'm scaring myself out magerly and need a doctors opinion! thank you !