Hi, very new to this sort of outlet for help and very new to trying to get pregnant. We aren t trying really, just letting nature take it s course and if we get pregnant-awesome! Now at 31 years old I m no stranger to Aunt Flow, but the past 6 days have been a mind f**k! I have no idea what my body is doing and when researching the symptoms it brings up implantation bleeding. Here are the details: ●February 16, 2016: random mood swing that caused anxiety and anger. Happened at grocery store that resulted in me leaving as soon as possible and lasted until I went to bed.●February 17, 2016: around 4:40pm noticed small brown spotting on toilet paper when using restroom at mall & an hour later cramping in left ovary.Around 7:30pm noticed a very small spot and blood line in mucus. Still making creamy, white mucus.By midnight just very light pink on toilet paper. When inserted finger in shower I got egg-white mucus with blood line in it.Had sex after shower and nothing on toilet paper.●February 18, 2016: After waking up noticed the same spotting and lines(within clear cm), but stopped seeing that by afternoon and just started just seeing creamy, white discharge that makes a VERY faint pink the remainder of the day.Bloating, extreme hunger, gassy, nausea (threw up once after eating at night) and mild lower back pain.●February 19, 2016: 8 am still noticing pink cm on toilet paper, mild lower back pain.3 pm started passing more pink cm with brown, inserted tampon to see if it is period and tampon had no blood just very small pink & brown spotting.Nothing on toilet paper at midnight when went to pee.Had sex again this night, but again nothing on toilet paper.● February 20, 2016: No discharge all day until after clitoral masturbation in which brown cm started again. Some mild cramping after orgasm and clear, very viscous mucus without any color. Started spotting brown cm a few hours later for the remainder of the day.●February 21, 2016: Still having brown discharge on toiler paper.6:30am: a bit more reddish brown.Afternoon: inserted finger in shower and was brown cm with very small bits of red.5:20pm: more brown cm on toiler paper.10pm: alot of reddish brown cm on toiler paper; used tampon and had only brown spotting but not enough to have used a tampon.Midnight: had sex and after blood spotting but not enough to use tampon. ●February 22, 2016: woke up at 7 am and notice dark red blood on toilet paper but still not enough to fill tampon. By evening I notice more period like bleeding but no cramping or period associated symptoms. Using a tampon to see if it has drastically increased. I could attach a photo of the clear cm with blood streaks. This was on February 18, 2016. I wish I had taken a picture the day before because it was almost artistic how it looked and I couldn t believe my eyes or body. It was clear, jelly-like, stretchy mucus with a perfect straight line of blood in the center. I have no breast tenderness, but am craving to eat meat and even dreaming of eating food I haven t since I was a child like a Bologna sandwich (I ve been a vegetarian since I was 17). I have taken a pregnancy test yesterday (February 21, 2016) evening and it was negative. I have scheduled an appointment at a woman s clinic for next week, but until then- any idea of what is going on?