We are concerned our almost 4 year old grandson may have lyme. He s had viruses before, usually handles them far better than most people. He usually alternates betwwen being in a good mood when awake, and sleeping. This has lasted for weeks, seemed to recover then relapsed a couple of times, and is not in a good mood when awake; he s not himself.. He s been exposed to and we ve removed deer ticks from him before, but we re not aware of a tick in the last couple of months. A blood sample was taken Friday for a serological test, results expected maybe Monday/ Tuesday. Concern: how do we figure out what this is? A positive test would help. I understand positive is likely if this is late disseminated stage. But I suppose it could be early or late stage disseminated lyme (we don t think it s early localized, and never saw the rash even when he has had ticks), and I don t know if tests are reliably positive for early disseminated stage. Bottom line is how do you know what treatment to use if you don t know what stage it is?