Starting with you first, your blood pressure is completely normal and is NOT too low. Optimal BP is <120/80. BP below this is only ever a problem if you are symptomatic- I highly doubt your
dizziness is a result of your blood pressure. It would generally need to be a lot lower than this to cause a problem.
Low BP only becomes a problem if it is not sufficient enough to push blood around the body. Hypotension isn't even defined until BP is <90/60. If on the other hand, you are feeling dizzy upon standing, this could indicate
postural hypotension.
Your husbands readings on the other hand are too high. For an accurate analysis of BP, your husband should see his GP and ask for 24 hour BP monitoring based on his recent results (show the recordings to your GP).
If it is consistently this reading (but below 160) this is called 'mild hypertension'. It is in treatment range for some people, particularly if he has
kidney disease and/or he is at risk from
heart disease. He also needs to have his
cholesterol levels checked too.
General lifestyle changes he needs to make is to reduce sodium intake in the diet, exercise and eat healthily.
The first poster is incorrect, your BP is NOT too low. Your blood pressure is a normal healthy varient.
Yes of course you can do walking.