is this serious? for the last year or so, my heartrate has been very high. (not normal). Then for the last 6 mths crazy high, I can feel my heart beating fast. not faint, nauseous or anything like that- just felt weak. I am a paraplegic about 20 yrs now, MVA. / Mid Feb. 2016. fell as transferring, too weak. ambulance came, took heart rate, 144, so took me to hospital (felt fine though), did tests etc, stayed overnight, on esg entire time, thyroid normal. dr states all normal, asked if I should take tablets? says not necessary, as probably caused from paraplegie. Is this true? I ask only now as heart rate high, as usual, and uncomfortable, tightening feeling near where heart would be, should I not treat it as no big deal or should I be concerned. only drugs I take, is Cefalaxin 500mg X 2 day and Oxybutyne 3 X day. Oh, I m female, 45 yrs old. do not drink or take recreational drugs.