Well don t know if you can help but here goes, well basically I have been smoking marijuana and cigarettes for a few years and never had a problem. Then I spent a short time 1.5 years ago trying cocaine, when one night I mixed the two together... After a few minutes I felt like I was having a heart attack, then I managed to control my breathing and slow my pulse and everything was fine after about 30mins. I passed it as a panick attack. Now ever since that event I have not touched cocaine but have been suffering with chest pains(which feel like angina and across different parts of the chest), this occurs during rest mainly but is sort of brought on by when I smoke marijuana and is less frequent when I don t smoke marijuana... I will also mention after using cocaine for the 4-5weeks that I did, I believe I damaged my stomach and after a visit to the doctor I was prescribed ozmerapole and my stomach was much better... Anyway, I understand what I did was foolish, and I hope I don t have to pay for it for the rest of my life, or my life at that, as my 7month old daughter and my other half have given my life a meaning, which I want to fight for. I know I need to stop smoking and get healthier with exercise and eat better etc...My question is, are you aware of what could be wrong with me? Looking forward to hearing from you Kindest Regards Sean Age:22 Gender:Male Height:183cm Weight:99kg