First of all you have not mentioned your age here so difficult to comment properly.
Generally if you are exercising daily in moderation and your
heart rate is in 80 90 range you need not worry about any concern.
Normally its said that heart rate should be 72/min but its an average value of population. Basal heart rate of different people can be different based on genetic factors, age, sex, built, amount of physical activity and so on.
If you have no palpitations or any difficulty in breathing or
shortness of breath and any such symptoms your heart rate is appropriate for you.
You said your BP is 140 85, according to guidelines if diastolic BP is more than 90 then we call it as
And again if your BP has been in same range for more than 2 or 3 occasion that may be the baseline BP for you. If you see your BP more than that or diastolic BP more than 90 or 95 then you can consult a doctor for hypertension.
Other than that i feel your pulse rate and BP are well in normal range.
Thank you