Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
Joint laxity actually occurs naturally in
pregnancy to some degree due to
hormonal changes. This is a natural adaptation for women's pelvis to be able to expand during the third trimester pregnancy as well as facilitate flexibility of the pubic bone during birth.
Having hyperflexible joints in your hips and knees does not in any way hinder your ability to be able to have a normal labor and delivery, however, if you have epidural
anesthesia during labor you should make sure that your birth supporters and or nurse do not let your legs get into a hyper flexed position while you are pushing to avoid
injury. If you do not have epidural anesthesia, any position in labor that does not excessively bend or straighten your legs is safe.
So in summary, there is no reason why you could not have a natural vaginal birth with hyper mobile knees and hips as long as you have good support during birth to help you position your legs without bending or flexing them beyond their natural capabilities.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that my advice was helpful.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown