Hallow Dear,
The first cardinal symptom of
pregnancy is missing a period. You have already missed your period. So if you are sexually active and are in the childbearing age group, the first suspicion is that of pregnancy.
Every woman does not get
morning sickness. So absence of morning sickness does not rule out pregnancy. If you are having
frequent urination, that will further support the diagnosis of pregnancy.
If your nipples are sore and the breasts are engorged and tender, it will further strengthen the diagnosis of pregnancy. Please look for the other breast symptoms like dark discolouration of nipples and
areola with areolar widening and/or tubercles under the areola. Do you have any secretions coming from the nipples? This also is a symptom of pregnancy. During early pregnancy, the body temperature may remain raised by about half a degree Fahrenheit or so.
However, even though these all symptoms are present, the early pregnancy should be confirmed by pregnancy test on the overnight first early morning sample of the urine done one week after the missed period. Alternatively you may opt for
Beta hCG test which can reliably confirm the pregnancy diagnosis even few days before missed period.
I am sure this will help you resolve the dilemma.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri