Hi, I had a possible HIV exposure , unprotected insertive vaginal sex 4-5 weeks ago.I saw a doctor and started PEP comprising of Truvada-300 Mg and Tivicay-50 Mg. I was prescribed PEP for 30 days. I have successfully completed the course. During 4 weeks of PEP I did not observe any symptoms except acid/reflux and stiff neck. I am on the first week after PEP completion. I am observing the following symptoms 1.Stiff neck,this got better after seeing a Chiropractor/taking a massage but not fully recovered 2.Right arm muscle pain and spasms.Sore muscles on right upper back 3. Dry mouth which makes me drink water often. 4 Pain in muscles and arm/leg specially right side. 5. Occasional Sneezing My questions are : 1. Are all these signs of seroconversion?I had stiff neck in past but not these severe. 2. I am planning to get 4th generation test done 4 -5 weeks after PEP completion,is this good? I will do additional tests on 3rd month,and 6 months after PEP as well 3. Please advise why the above symptoms are happening I am very worried.