Hello, I m 35yrs of age. Just had my TransVaginal Ultrasound today, January 19,2017. My ultrasound result are the ff: The UTERUS is anteverted, midline, with heterogenous echoppatern and irregular contour. It measures 9.0 x 9.4 x 9.1 com (corpus + myoma). Ther is an anterior, transmural, intramural myoma with subserous component, measuring 7.8 x 8.2 x 6.9 cm.,pushing the endometrium posteriorly. The ENDOMETRIUM has a thickness of 0.83cm., is hyperechioc, with intact subendometrial halo. The CERVIX measures 4.0x 1.7 x 30.0 cm. The RIGHT OVARY is lateral in location and measures 2.4 x 2.2 x 1.9cm (vol. 5.2ml) with few small follicles all measuring less than 1.0cm. The LEFT OVARY is lateral in location and measures 3.0 x 2.1 x 1.7cm (vol. 5.5ml) with few small follicles all measuring less than 1.0cm. The CUL-DE-SAC has no free fluid. Thank you.