Hi, Congratulations on your
pregnancy. Let me re-assure you that your urine test appears normal. Normally urine is generally clear,or sometimes slightly hazy can be present due to the presence of epithelial cells- this normally happens when urine is voided after a while, say overnight.The pH is neutral in your case, which is OK.
4-6 pus cells in a lady may be considered normal, especially since I do not see bacteria in your report. An occasional red blood cell may be seen, not to worry.
I do not see a value for
Albumin or Sugar(Glucose) in your
urinalysis report. I hope both are absent, but races of albumin are OK.
However, it is probably a good idea to drink plenty of water and void urine as often as possible, in order to keep the bladder empty. Residual urine in the bladder is a good medium for the growth of bacteria- women in general and specially pregnant women being prone to
urinary tract infection.
Hope this answer helps you. of course if you develop any symptoms of urinary infection like burning/increased frequency of urine and lower
abdominal pain, you will have to get in touch with your physician.
Thank you.