Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Your Open QuestionShow me another » Toothache has only just subsided 8 weeks after a filling - are my teeth O.K? Hi, So beginning of january my dentist said i had a very tiny cavity at the side of my top molar, on the side nearest the next tooth. She said it would need just a tiny filling. I had the filling which was silver done and it is very tiny on the side of my tooth. That day there was a mild toothache - i mean very mild - but as i have an enormous phobia i panicked, and couldn t stop thinking about it. It was rather sensitive and i kept eating on it but that didnt hurt. it was a mild ache, that was sensitive but did not hurt upon biting, chewing food or anything else. it was sensitive to air and cold drinks. the sensitivity would last about a second and then go. the tooth did not hurt at all before the filling. a few weeks later, the ache and the sensitivity were still there, but not quite as bad. however i had noticed another small cavity in another tooth and panicked a lot. so my mum booked another appointment (im 14). the dentist said that this newly found cavity had been there for years and was just in the enamal, no nead to worry. she also said the other filling was absolutely fine and the sensitivity should dissapear on its own. O.K - i worried a lot. all i could think about every day was my teeth. this seemed to make those two teeth in particular hurt a bit, and sometimes the others did. when i forgot about them, or distracted myself the pain went away. I have been really positive about them and 10 weeks after the filling, there is hardly any sensitivity, no pain at all in either teeth. However it has only just stopped in the last two weeks. two weeks ago, i had a cold and was very run down. this made my filled tooth hurt a bit. since then, i have gotten over my cold and the tooth doesn t hurt at all. O.K - I know it is common for teeth to ache a few weeks after a filling but is 8 weeks a normal amount of time? Are my teeth O.K. if they dont hurt now, or has the pain just temporarily subsided? I was told most of the pain was psycological by many people, but i find it hard to beleive. i am beginning to worry again - even though i have no toothache?! Are my teeth O.K.? I am also using a high flouride toothpaste, which apparently will help with small cavities. At first i chewed on the fillied tooth a lot to see if it hurt, which it didn t even though i was told not to chew on it. could this have made it worse?