Are there any long term effects, other than pain, associated with undescended testicles? Mine are only partially descended and I often get hernia type symptoms, including swelling or sensitivity which makes any type of activity, much less touch, completely unbearable. I have had these symptoms for a few years, getting progressively worse.
Just for some background, I am anemic as a result of gastric bypass surgery in 1999. The lack of iron absorption led to some internal bleeding less than a year ago and I had to undergo a blood transfusion of approximately 1.5L. I have had Asthma and common allergies all my life, which are managed. I lost over 100 lbs with the bypass and have maintained a healthy BMI, Blood pressure and Endocrine function until just recently. My last two lab results indicated that I had very high blood pressure at 150/100 and that I am also very deficient in Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. My prior lab resultsto those two provided negative test results for the H. Pylori infection, my breath test results showing that there was no indication of the infection, however I did end up with several peptic ulcers as a result. I was treated for two helinia Hernias Hernias as a child and now have Is there something that can be done now? I am 42 years old. White male.