I started taking Cymbalta---60 mgs.once a day--- late last summer as a result of depression--just meltdowns and crying jags. It has been a really rough last few years including a divorce and a move to another state after 40+ years in a place I love to a place I dislike, but for family reasons.. Before that I had been taking Citalopram (sp/0 for quite a number of years for the same thing with no side effects and mild to moderate relief. A couple of weeks before Thanksgiving I developed diarrhea like I have never had before---watery and uncontrollable to the point I was afraid to go to sleep at night without an old, heavy towel under me to keep from messing the mattress. i am also very drowsy much of the time and have a terrible time getting up in the morning, often sleep quite late (thank heaven I am retired, age 66, and don t have a daily schedule I must meet. Then I have a terrible time not dosing off in the afternoon. My mood has improved significantly, but no cause has been determined for the diarrhea. I have had blood, urine and stool tests--no infection, though I was put on Cipro for 10 days before the test results came back just in case .. Next is an early colonoscopy. My previous colonoscopies have been normal. I see that diarrhea can be a side effect of Cymbalta, but mine did not appear until a couple of months after I started taking it.. I had no problems at all initially. Now I am just plain depressed by the limitations the diarrhea has put on my life. I am hinking I should go back to the Citalapram, and seeing a counselor I found who will take Medicare, and deep six the Cymbalta. Till now I have not known enough to ask my doctor if there might be a connection, but I plan to ASAP when I can get an appointment, which is usually pretty quickly. What do you think? Are there withdarwal symptoms associated with Cymbalta? I am getting really desperate. I cancelled Thanksgiving with my family and two long planned road trips becaus of this. That, in itself is really depressing and I think my family thinks I am turning into a hypochondriac and I am practically living on Imodium, beside losing 5 pounds,which, in my case, is not at all a good thing. My wight has been very normal since I left high school. Also my blood pressure, normally on the low side---90/68--has gone up to as high as 123/70, very unusual for me and very sudden. This was all very sudden! Thank you in advance, Cynthia Timko.