At 73 years of age, I have arthritis --- amongst other parts of body, affecting both hips (bone on bone). Left hip replacement arthroplasty 26 January 2015 (doctor not comfortable doing bi-lateral surgery. ) Right hip damage 15 Aug with continuing problems and pain persisting, similar to what I experienced on left side. No longer can exercise as I was, so now my left repaired side [which had been nearly totally restored, even able to run, etc. climb, do normal things] has deteriorated to where I have limited mobility on left as well as right. Even some feeling of swelling although I cannot see it in my left leg; also what is more scary, anew and continuing numbness in left leg, especially from knee down to ankle, more on the frontal shin area but entire lower leg (only little numbness at thigh or hip or left abdomen). NOT blood clots. Pls advise possible diagnosis, offer recommendations.