I have been searching for this tablet Codiene as referred by Dr. Ravindranath diabetologist in this forum – I am not able to find this tablet in any medical shop. Is there any other name/substitute and is there any specific Mg that I should take? Can I also get some help in getting out of my basic problem which is given below Frequent bowel movement? I had asked a question in this forum which states as given below: I am 45 years male, weigh about 150 kgs and 6 feet 1 inch tall. I do regularly tread mill exercises. I had fistula operations 4 years back. I am a diabetic and take Volix 0.2mg, Janumet 1000/50 half tablet and Telma 80 H in the morning. I take metalor 25xr and Citapyn xt 500mg in the night. I take stalopalm everyday night half tablet. I have frequent bowel movement about 6 times a day. Morning when I get up, I can’t hold my bowels even for 2 mins. After every meal I fell/go for a bowel movement. Has this bowel movement got any thing to do with metformine? My sugar levels are always under control that is 90/100 while fasting and about 140/150 after food. My family history parents are obese, having diabetes and blood pressure. For this I got a prompt reply[ Thank you Doctor ] from Dr. Ravindranath as given below: it is a fact that metformin may cause gas , indigestion or loose stools!but not so many trips to the loo.because you are an obese guy you need metformin to suppress your appetite but you are taking volix too which may cause these more often Diabetes itself may cause diabetic diarrhea because of autnomic neuropathy first you may stop volix,add codiene tab twice a day,with green or black tea.,after deworming and a motion test to exclude amebiasis or giardiasis wish you a better bottom to keep you top”