Welcome to HCM,
There are many medicines for b.p. which have different mechanisms of action,hence some act directly on the heart others act peripherally by reducing fluid in your body etc,
If blood pressure is not reduced by one drug alone they will be used in combination to augment each other
Losar beta contains 2 drugs of which one is called a
beta blocker which act by lowering your
heart rate,
also persons who play sports tend to have a lower heart rate,both reasons contribute to your heart rate of 60,which is on the normal side and is no cause for worry
you can continue to play tt ,rather than getting into very rigorous sports you can go for brisk walks for an hour 4-5times a week
along with above ,you should
1.reduce salt intake,
2.if a smoker stop
smoking,if consuming alcohol restrict to 2 pegs per day
3.if over weight reduce your weight to suitable range by having a proper diet chart and diet plan
4.get you
lipid profile and blood sugar checked
5.if living a stressful life reduce stress by cutting down work,yoga,
meditation etc
since your bp is 120/80 continue losar beta,but have regular check up
No cause for worry
Take care.