Dear mother,
This called shkirdosha /stanya dosha i.e.problem in the taste +properties of the breast milk.i don't think that its any other problem because no other symptoms your baby is having.You must follow some instructions (according to ayurveda)
1. The breast feeding must be calm minded process.
2. The mother's diet should be very easy to digest as baby gets the same properties of food.
3. The mother should take warm water to drink every day.
4. Application of bala tailam on stomach and application asafoetida in lep (paste) form around
umbilicus is
very important. Also take swedan .
5. Don't take roasted /fermented food in your diet until you feed your child.
6. The mother should take shatavaryadi / bala / jeevaniya gana ghritam to increase the quality & quantity of the milk. You ill get all informations about this from an ayurvedic expert doctor / call me
on +91-020-25510201/+91-9422001081.
7. Being as a mother you should follow all these instructions for your & your baby's health.
In my practice I have seen many cases like this.Its actually a very tough + interesting job to be done as baby don't speak! You have to realize them,their feelings and the disease also.Also your child is facing some rashes after taking the said madicine. The remedy is application of bala tailam (oil) to all over body of your baby.This will vanish the rashes /
scars permanently.Also gives the soothing effect,increase in appetite,skin color glows,the muscles + bones constitutes a great.The sleep + calmness increases,the baby becomes very healthy forever.Many physicians oppose this process.But I forcefully say, this is the perfect solution for all babies all over the world forever.I experienced this in many of my cases without fail with 101% genuine effect in my ayurvedic practice.Also there is a fantastic method for how to give medicine to the child < 1year. This must be learned from an expert ayurvedic physician called vaidya who knoes nadi chikitsa well. And NADI the best tool of ayurvedic vaidyas helps a lot in the said process.Many mothers as well as their small babies are getting this extra ordinary treatment at my clinic. Hope,this will help you a lot!!