Im a 15 year old girl , I have ALOT of symptoms but the worst ones are these ; Feeling sick after eating , throwing up .
. Sharp , stabbing pains all over body , change places , last a few minutes .
. Stabbing chest pain .
. Pain in all joints , including hips, wrists , knees & ankles when walking .
. Lightheadedness .
. Dizziness .
. Crippling leg pain , feels like in a meat grinder .
. Sore throat .
. Always feel like i need to swallow .
. Constant headaches .
. Mood swings .
. Always tired and out of energy .
. Sore arm , leg , and hip muscles .
. Sleeping more .
. Ear pain , those & headaches possibly from tmj / Ernest syndrome .
. night sweats .
. hot flashes .
. indigestion .
. upper abdominal pain .
. lower back pain .
. feeling like I need to sleep 24/7 . always tired .
. stabbing pain under ribcage .
. gurgling stomach noises .