Bad headach, for 2 days, hearing loss , fever , loss of appitite, and nasual congestion I am a 18 year old female, i picked up a bad headach while waiting for my friend to get out of her appointment at the doctors office, i didnt think anythng of it, even though it was bad i thought it was due to lack of sleep, i went home, and realized that even though i had only eaten a bowlfull of rice all day, i wasnt hungery, and the headach had gotten worst. i went to bed right after, which was about 5 pm, i woke up at 5 30 am, today, and the headach is worst, it is on both sides of my head, i cannot move without my head throbbing and hurting more, i have a fever, slight nasual congestion in my nose, and i am exsperianceing hearing loss, which only worstened when i tryed to clean them out. please help , the hospital down here only deals with emergancys, and my family doctor is in a diffrent town.