As you are having small pain & bad smell related to your wisdom tooth, it is sign of having infection within it.
This generally happens when wisdom tooth is not fully erupted in oral cavity and is being covered with small pericoronal flap.
If this is so, then accumulation of food debris underneath of the pericoronal flap forms platform for getting infection & once infected, it starts smelling bad due to release of exudate.
Get an X-Ray done to check alignment of your wisdom tooth as final treatment will be depending on the same.
If x-ray shows inclined position of wisdom tooth then your
dentist might post you for removal of wisdom tooth which will give you permanent relief from pain and bad smell related with same tooth.
If alignment is not the problem, then only removal of small flap to expose underneath molar tooth along with proper course of Antibiotics & Anti-inflammatory drugs would solve the problem.
You can use Any anti infective mouthwash like
betadine mouth gargle to locally control the infection & it will also help to remove debris residing under the flap.
Avoid hot fomentation as that may cause the region to swell.
Take care.