I have been diagnosed with ADHD , depression , and anxiety. For my ADHD I take 30mg of vyvanse and for my depression/anxiety 40mg of lexapro . With a combination of therapy I have found that both of the medications work fine in helping to live with my disorders but over time I ve started developing more side effects from the vyvanse. Some of these side effects include; appetite suppression, frustration/impatience, hyperactivity .. Due to the fact that i m an 18 year old girl my body is constantly going through hormonal changes which affects how vyvanse works through out my system. I have found a way that personally helps me alleviate all of these side effects but alas, it s illegal. For me marijuana is more than just a recreational drug. Although I am fully aware of the long term affects that it causes to both body and mind I find that in my case, the pros outweigh the cons. So my question is this; Do you think that I should be allowed a prescription to medical marijuana to help alleviate the ADHD symptoms that I m still dealing with?