In November, I was really ill, I was vomiting every hour, I was diagnosed with the winter bug and after a few days I was okay. That only lasted a week or so though, since then I haven t been able to hold down any kind of food or drink, I throw up 6/7 days. I gag when I eat, I gag when I don t eat, it s gotten so bad that I have started to bring up blood when I throw up. I have no energy, getting up leaves me light headed and dizzy, walking up or down the stairs makes me feel like I m going to pass out and walking more than 10 metres leaves me out of breath and exhausted. I ve lost over 28lbs since christmas. My bottom has also started to hurt and sometimes there is little spots of blood on my toilet paper. I know I ve left this a long time to seek help but I m pretty scared, should I go to the hospital about this?