My 11 month old has just been treated for pneumonia we have just brought him home from the ER and seems to be responding well. For several days prior my son was fighting a bronchiolitis and ear infection was prescribed omnicef for 7 days , steroid droplets and albuterol for nebulization. He seemed to be progressing, coughing less, playing more,no fever, still not the best solid food appetite but drinking plenty of formula and breast milk so we had snt him off to day care december 20 around the 24 we started to notice symptoms returning and by the 26 we had made an appointment to see his pediatrician they said that they weren t certain if it was the remnants of the old infection or a new one but that there was still some fluids in his ear and instructed us to continue with the albuterol ounce every 4 hours as needed. We went home gave him a treatment of albuterol, he slept fine, but by morning we noticed the heavy caugh, labored breathing and proceeded to treat every four hours. By his second treatment we started noticing that he needed the treatment sooner and sooner so we called his pediatrician and he instructed us to take him to the ER. At the ER he received another albuterol treatment with an injection of a steroid and an iv of antibiotics. We are home now he was prescribed some antibiotics and albuterol which he received right before bed time. My question: I am affraid of all the drugs I am putting into my babies system and what potential damage it is causing? I understand the need to control the infection but am stressing about the long term effects. Can you help me