Hi im dr.hema physiotherapist.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition.
A team of doctors required to deal with your conditions . consult your GP start with
physiotherapy modalities which improves your quality of life.
A good sleeping habit, regular basic exercises and stretches,
yoga healps in Fibromyalgia.
Although pain and
fatigue may make exercise and daily activities difficult, it is crucial to be as physically active as possible.
Regular exercise is one of the most effective treatments for fibromyalgia.
Exercise should begin with walking or other gentle exercise and build their endurance and intensity slowly.Making changes at work.
Regular daytime exercise can improve nighttime sleep. But avoid exercising within 3 hours of bedtime, which actually can be stimulating, keeping you awake.
For Good SleepKeep regular sleep habits.Try to get to bed at the same time and get up at the same time every day—even on weekends and vacation
.Avoid caffeine and alcohol in the late afternoon and evening. Even though it can make you feel sleepy, drinking alcohol around bedtime also can disturb sleep.
If possible avoid daytime naps. Sleeping in the afternoon can interfere with nighttime sleep. If you feel you cannot get by without a nap, set an alarm for 1 hour. When it goes off, get up and start moving.
Reserve your bed for sleeping. Watching the late news, reading a suspense novel, or working on your laptop in bed can stimulate you, making it hard to sleep.Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool.
Avoid working right up to bedtime.
Do relaxing activities, such as listening to soft music or taking a warm bath, that get you ready to sleep. (A warm bath also may soothe)
Hot water fermentation with diclofinac gel on tender points, helps to reduce pain.
If still pain is more consult your dr for physiotherapy modalities like ift,
ultrasound which gives great relief along with trigger point release,muscle relaxation technics.
Hope this helps you.
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