I am a male, 73 yrs. old, with BPH. My problen is that my left testicle gets swollen and feels real sore about once a week. Normally my scrotum usually hangs relatively lose and there is no pain. But when I shower and wash my genitels, the scrotum tightens up and the left testicle becomes swollen and is painful. This occurs also just before and after sexual intercourse. This pain is similar being sexually aroused, having an erection and not ejaculaing. This morning I noticed my scrotum was lose with a slight pain in my left testicle. When I examined my testicles, they both felt smaller in size (not swollen) but I could feel a round hard marble shape tissue items at the bottom end of each testicle. When I checked a picture in my medical book, I assume it was the testis area of the testicle. Why does my left testicle get swollen and sore? What are the round hard tissues at the bottom of my testicles?