I was bit by a squirrel on my left index finger while trying to help it on 08/05/12 at 18:00hrs (EST). The squirrel was not able to move his back legs. He was not acting strange, foaming at the mouth, or trying to attack me. I was in my front yard and the chance of the squirrel being injured from a motor vehicle is very rare. He climbed a tree twice trying to get away from me but fell both times after holding on for a few minutes. The second time he fell, I picked him up and he bit me. I immediately flushed it with cold water and hydrogen peroxide . I then went to the ER and got a tetanus shot. They did not recommend a rabies PEP treatment. I have been looking online since I got home from the ER and now I m scared and think maybe I should get the painful PEP. Should I be so afraid or not really worry to much about it since rabies in squirrels is rare? Please help, I can t go to sleep until I get some professional feedback. Thanks, Joe