I just got my ears pierced some weeks ago, and i took them out last night, and put in new ones. It kind of hurt, but I still wore them. then, i was getting ready for bed, and was going to put my studs in to go to bed. at first i got both of them in, but they fell out as i forgot to put in backings. I then got one of them in,but I couldn t find the other side of the hole on the other ear. I tried for an hour before going to bed. I didn t wear any earrings that night. I woke up this morning and tried again. Now I cant get either earrings in, due to not finding the hole at the back. I ve tried, peroxide , the disinfectant they give you when you get them pierced, Vaseline, and other earrings. nothing is working! Sometimes they bleed when I try to put them in, but that stopped. Now its just discharge , if anything coming out. HELP!!!