I have had bloating and a burning sensation in my stomach that wakes me up in the night. I do not take medication typically but have had to take pain killers a couple times in the past 4 days due to intolerable pain. My lower back hurts as well. The burning radiates from my naval to the sides of my lower stomach and lower back. My period is a bit delayed, but that is typical. However, these are not PMS symptoms I have had in the past; i.e. burning sensation in stomach. There is no chance I am pregnant. I have been tested for celiacs (sp), had blood, urine and stool tests, along with food allergy testing throughout the past few years. This has been happening to me on and off for 3.5 years, or sometime following my pregnancy and c-section. I am a healthy weight. I eat organic and healthy. I drink a couple glasses of wine per night. I am in my mid 30s. What are the possibilities?