Hello and welcome to HCM,
Thank you for your query.
You need to understand that with
IBS, there would be both swelling and a slight increase in production of gas in your intestines, which is associated.
The most commonly prescribed medications for IBS, are anti-spasmodics which help in reducing the swelling and thus also help in improvement of consistency of stools.
What I advise we could start of with is to check with your doctor on the status of your IBS, and if anti-spasmodics and antacids would help in relieving you of your symptoms.
The next thing you can do is to discuss the possibility of other conditions relating to
bloating. This could be established if you could elaborately explain your condition and also the possibility of other symptoms you might have not considered troubling enough to mention.
Eg. Regurgitation of food
Occasional vomiting
Burning sensation at the center of your chest (heart burn)
Pain immediately or a few hours after a meal
And so on.
Do not worry as this could be something minor and can be resolved with proper management.
I hope I have succeeded in answering your questions, you could write back to us anytime for further clarifications.
Best wishes.