Thanks for contacting HCM with your quiery.
Bloating, abdominal
pain and
constipation or
diarrhea could be symptoms of Irritable
Bowel Syndrome. If the swelling of the gums and eye twitching
started afte you were put on Nexium and probiotics , it is possible
that could be side effects of one or the other. The only way to find
out is to stop both and after 3-4 days , start one of them and see
if you still react that way. If you have
penicillin allergy , you can be
allergic to
Ampicillin. But if you have already finished it , in 2-3 days
you should be O.K.
If you have constipation, you need to increase your fiber intake along
with fluid intake. You can also take a PEG-solution such as Miralax or
similar to regulate your bowel. If you have diarrhea , taking Loperemide
(Imodium ) 1-2 day , may control that.
I wish you well.