Hi, many thanks for the query!
Yes, you should get an USG (KUB) dene along with X-ray KUB, Sr.
creatinine, Sr. Uric acid, Urine (Routine & Microscopy).
This will help us to know the exact location, current size, type of the stone as those seen on USG but not on X-ray are Uric acid stones being radio-lucent, so diet & treatment for
Hyperuricemia can be started.
USG will also tell us regarding
Hydronephrosis & Hydroureter (back pressure changes in
kidney & ureter due to obstruction caused by stone) which hamper the kidney-function, so that the decision regarding operative procedure can be taken, in which case IVP (Intra-Venous Pyelography) may be needed to decide the type of Surgery.
If all this is not needed (as per reports) then Stone Conservative Management can be started including- Diuretics, Anti-spasmodics, Pain killers, Urine alkalinizing agents etc with your doctor's opinion.
Drink plenty of water so that 3 litres of urine is voided over 24 hours.
Wish you a good health.
All The Very Best for your project.
Take care.