Hello and welcome to HCM,
It is important to know your age.
However, based on the findings mentioned by you- elevated white blood cells and squashed cells, a diagnosis of chronic lymphoid
leukemia (CLL) is most likely.
CLL is a leukemia of elderly.
It is characterized by increased proliferation of mature lymphocytes or to put it in simple words, it is uncontrollable growth of mature lymphoid cells.
Some of the cells rupture during preparation of peripheral smears.
These cells are called 'squash' or 'smudge' cells.
Increased proliferation of leukemia cells in
bone marrow can replace the normal elements in the bone marrow causing anemia and
thrombocytopenia (reduced platelets).
CLL has slow progression and very effective treatment options are available.
The next step in the confirmation of CLL is monoclonal studies.
You need to consult your
hematologist for next set of tests and
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal