Hello Doctor sorry it s Sunday the family day, I just wanted to know why some Doctors still don t recognize M.E and why there s no cure for it or any proper medication to help. I was in an abusive relationship and a few years ago I had a blow out fracture to my right eye, cracked ribs and a broken shoulder bone but I couldn t leave to get any form of help for several weeks, and when I eventually got to my g.p she refused to give me any pain relief saying that the injuries were old and I never needed anything. I have tried to get an operation to repair my shoulder but was told that was never going to happen because of the percentage of it working because of my health but when I ask for a sick line all she ever writes is depression and she hasn t done anything to help me, can you advise me about this i ve tried to see another gp but she keeps switching appointments I manage to get with other doctors back to her and has told me that she is the only gp I can see in the practice. ? AAAAA many thanks, can you tell me if this is medical negligence on her part.?