Hi there. I have had trouble with my abdomen for the last few months- there are times when it gets very distended to the point that I look pregnant. It usually goes back down to normal in the morning. For the past two-three weeks it hasn t been going down as much as it should, and by the evening it is huge again. I have cut out wheat, dairy, meat, and a few other foods, and it hasn t helped at all. I had my blood tested for Celiacs and it came back negative. I had an ultrasound done on my lower abdomen and it came back normal. My ferritan levels are low: 13. I have been feeling like my food isn t going into my stomach properly- like there is a pill stuck there or something. Any suggestions? I m so sick of this belly! I had symptoms a few years ago related to stress, ( blurred vision and tingly arm ) but I have that under control now. Could this be stress related?