Dear Bozena, Hi,Post LASIK 5 days with
white spots on
cornea may be due to two condition.First may be due to infection and second may be
diffuse lamellar keratitis.Both the condition requires urgent mangement.Infection may be due contamination during LASIK surgery include the ocular flora, any instruments or sponges used during surgery, the surgeon’s hands, blades from the first eye reused on the 2nd eye, or airborne contaminants.Patient will complain of blurring of vision along with
redness and pain.Lifting the flap with scrapping and AB wash is required. Diffuse lamellar keratitis is a sterile infiltrate condition due to deposits from microkeratome blades, particles from the eye drape, epithelial defects, meibomian secretions, surgical glove talc, debris from surgical sponges, and contamination of reservoir sterilizers by gram-negative also you require to do lifting of flap with AB wash and then on topical
steroids.Both condition may lead to flap melt and scarring if not treated properly.I think your case looks like DLK and may requre topical steroid after lifting the flap and AB wash...All these can happen to any patient so don worry and go according to your doctor.he ll do the best for you...TC..Bye ..Dr Ajay shankar kar, Cornea consultant, Sankar foundation eye hospital,Vizag.