In August of 2010, I developed acute onset of right hip area pain . After much ado, I was dx with ITB syndrome , and went through ultrasound tx s which helped, but never really subsided. I have been on a job search, so have done too much sitting, that I know. I was a runner, but had to stop in Jan, 2011, when I had an acute exacerbation. Nothing has taken the pain, stiffness , limited rojm away completely. In the past month I note an increasing grinding of bones in right hip when i stand on right leg, as in shower, or other activities. I am a Registered Nurse, starting up a new job with insurance and want to get a full evaluation. I am concerned about this bone grinding. My xrays were neg for arthritis, and I had a neg osteoarthritis both recent. What do you think? And, what might you recommend for more natural pain and stiffness relief? Thank you, Shelley