mds is mylodyplastic syndrome in this case some chromosomal mutation occurs in the blast cell of bone marrow resulting anemia
pancytopenia .so quality of patient life decreases due to weakness (anemia) bleeding dis order and due to infection.
blood transfusion is the conventional mode of treatment to counter act the symptoms .but iron over iron over load is the biggest problem with blood transfusion.
to monitor iron overload following parameter is to be measured on frequently
total serum ferritin level...our goal is to keep ferritin level below 1000mcg/l of blood.
another tool is total iron binding protein level.
and also monitor the function of liver ,heart and endocrine to exclude any toxicity of iron over load
for for tunately we hav good chelating agent like
deferoxamine (iv),deferasirox(oral) ,deferiprone (oral) to combat angainst iron over load.
u are taking
multivitamin ,but in many cases multivitamin contains many minerals incl iron so be sure that the vitamins which is given is free from iron.
now there are many adv therapy like erythropoitin therapy , steam cell
transplantation therapy has been evolved with less chance for iron overload