Hi, I have had a miscarriage Last month on 23 June (at 5 weeks), My hcg levels were 900 & progesteron was 8.9 on 4 weeks 2 days & then after 48 hrs hcg dropped to 300 & then after 2-3 days I had normal perood like flow for 3 days & my doc suggested thta it was a chemical pregnency, I was not prepared for this preg & me and my husband are not planning for baby any sooner, Now after 3 weeks of my MC & am again feeling breast tenderness & nausea & Loss of apetite. We had protected (with condoms ) sex twice 5 days after I miscarried. I am just getting this nervous that I might be pregnent again as I am having this breast tenderness & sick feeling today. My normal cyccle is of 25-26 days. when Should I expect my normal periods in such situations. shall I go for a pregnency test soon?