2 months ago i took a fall off a countertop trying to reach something in our cupboard. I believe I sprained it, never went to doctor. Bruise bigger than the size of my hand . I iced it for 2 days, kept it elevater, inuprofen. It was really painful, i couldnt walk. Kept a compression sock on to help with the swelling . Now, 2 months later, its still bothering me. Its fine to walk on, just hurts occasionally. The bruise is still present with a lump the size of a quarter just above my ankle bone. I read it could be a hemotoma? Well, im wondering how long sprains take to recover, if i should go to get it looked at, and what i should do for this hemotoma? Sometimes when i wXlk, i can hear a click and feel it in my foot . The bruise is still really painful to the touch. What donu reccommend? I have a huge deductibe, $6000 and dont want to go the doctor if i dont have to.