I am suffering from a burning, raw feeling on the outside of the vulva, particularly the entrance to the vagina and at the top where the vulva part. the razor burn type feeling gets worse when i wear underwear or trousers. Over the past two years I have been treated for various types of vaginal infections. In the past six months though vaginal swabs only show normal vaginal flora and the doctor says there is no infection. I have been taking neogab (100 mg)and methylcobal for three months. The pain gets better but never goes away completely. It is worse after intercourse. When I stopped taking neogab as advised by the dr since I felt better, the pain got worse. Then I was treated for herpes. After seven days I did feel better but not completely, basically the same as I was during the neogab months. I have been tested for blood sugar, and that is fine. Sometimes during the burning times, I also get urine problems where I feel I have to go all the time, particularly just before going to sleep. I have had regular urine tests all of which were clear. I have been to several gynaecologists, urologists and dermatologists and no one can solve this problem. I suspect people think I am over imagining the burning sometimes based on their bafflement. Please can you help? I can't even have a normal marital relationship because of this, and it is affecting my general well being. When the burning feeling is bad, I can't even walk as even that friction makes the pain worse.