Hi, thanks for writing to HCM.
Based on the description, I suspect that you could have suffered a
soft tissue hematoma. As you have no other symptoms, please follow the below mentioned measures for the betterment of your condition -
* Rest to the injured part and don’t involve in activities which puts additional strain on the injured tissues.
* Ice packing should be applied for about 20 minutes once in every 2 hours during the first 48 hours
* Use elastic compression bandage over the swollen area
Analgesic & anti inflammatory medications like
Advil or
Aleve will help in reducing the inflammation.
* After 72 hours, moist heat fomentation over the injured area will make the muscles to relax
If your symptoms are not improving with the above measures, consult an orthopedic surgeon for proper evaluation and management.
Hope this information is helpful. Good day