Hi Doc!! I am mother of 2.4 year old daughter . She has always been a fussy eater!! As a baby she breastfed only for 3 months, so we had to start her on solids at the age of 4 months only!! Later, she would run away mere at the site of food and would vomit if fed deliberately. She used to fall ill every month and was losing weight!! So, doctor prescribed cypon drops 0.5 ml twice daily in October 2014 and asked us to discontinue it after one month!! It worked as a miracle for her!! Although she is still not like other kids who love chocolate and pizza, but she started chewing at the age of 2 with this medicine!! She would even ask for food!! But ever since we stopped this medicine, she would just not eat anything!! She would wake up in the morning and start taking dry vomiting!! It s been 5 months off and on that I have been giving her this medicine!! Can I continue this for longer duration?? Please help